2022 Parties
- January: Quick Cancun getaway; Sofia’s birthday; Enzo and Alissa are introduced
- February: Game night for Joy’s birthday
- March: Carlos gets tenure! Dinner and other shenanigans. Quick trip to NM for brother’s birthday
- April: Graduation things; Brittany is introduced
- May: Carlos’ dad visits; a new bike!; the First Rager.
- June: Freddy’s Meme Party. Colored hair and glasses! Carlos, Joy, Freddy, Sandhya, Estefania, and Emily hung out until four a.m.! Carlos goes on a big road trip.
- July: High School Reunion, Mexico, Costa Rica
- August: Costa Rica
- September: Super Friend Bash 2022! Roger’s birthday. After a cluster of people hung out and played games at HQ, Carlos, Estefania, Ravyn, Roger, and Lucas went dancing until around 5 in the morning!
- October: Halloween Heist. To celebrate Carlos’ Tenure, Lucas organized a heist! Jaq and Alice got really into it.
- November: Friendsgiving. Carlos’ friend Tina was there. Everyone made yummy food and we played a very scary game of Werewolf
- December: Secret Santa! Carlos was gone again, sadly.